Thursday, September 15, 2011

Well now.....

I have talked enough about this little blog project, so it's time. I have to say this is quite a new experience. Anywho, so today was really cool. Well actually its been a cool couple of weeks. I have been staying with friends and learning how to work on the new to me truck. The parents think I'm nuts (which I think me being nuts was established long ago) for my purchasing a 40yo Ford. But yeah, its all put back together and mostly road worthy if you consider a half ton truck w/o power steering worthy. My new weight lifting program, lol. Then yesterday a friend I grew up with invited me to lunch and we reminisced for like a couple hours, was fun catching up. She took me with her to visit her grandma in our grand ol hometown. Her grandma is so sweet she hasn't changed a bit. We drove around and played name that family as we pointed out the houses we remembered, that took all of about 20 mins. Its not that we didn't remember much, its more like thats just how small it is. My graduating class was somewhere around 19 kids, like wow right. We did get to visit with a couple more friends before going home. We even got a plate of homemade rockin peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on the way out of town, total score. I had so much fun, we talked and laughed like we were kids again it was great.

1 comment:

  1. The cookies are yummy. (I just ate one.)

    We need to have the girls wash the truck. To get rid of spiders, not dirt.

    I'm sure they won;t care if we don't tell them why.
